

Mrs Crinks

Head of School/Class teacher / Pupil Premium Lead / SENDCO / DSL

Mrs Crinks is our Head of School, Sail Class teacher, DSL and Pupil Premium lead.
Mrs Crinks loves reading, especially anything mysterious and scary! She enjoys walking with her dog, Lucy, tending to her allotment and snuggling on the sofa to watch a family film with her daughter.

Mrs Guest


Mrs Guest is our school secretary. She is also a lunchtime supervisor. Mrs Guest is a very keen gardener and also has over 100 houseplants! She is an avid reader and her favorite authors are Mich Albom, Nick Hornby and Sarah Winman.

Miss Easlick

Sail Class Teacher

Miss Easlick teaches in Sail Class on Thursday and Friday.

Mrs Michell

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Michell is a teaching assistant working across both classes. She is also our lunchtime supervisor.

Mr Lawton

Castle Class Teacher

Mr Lawton has recently joined us and is very much enjoying his time in Castle Class.

St Mawes Primary School
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