We hope you had a wonderful summer break. We are looking forward to welcoming the children back on Wednesday the 4th of September.

Castle Class

Welcome to Castle Class

We are the Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children at St Mawes Primary School.

Mrs Crinks is our teacher, Mrs Michell is also in class to help and support our learning. We have an amazing learning environment with areas set up to provide rich opportunites of learning.

 At St Mawes, the implementation of our EYFS curriculum ensures that our children can develop as independent, confident and successful learners.  

Following our EYFS Curriculum, we provide an environment that allows each child to display high levels of concentration, creativity, energy and persistence. The rationale behind this is that high levels of well-being and involvement foster positive development for children and facilitate deeper learning. 

We believe that children should be able to lead their learning by initiating activities that are significant to them, derived from their own interests and ideas. Our curriculum is centred around our children; our EYFS team plan and enhance our classroom provision based on their knowledge of the children. In addition to this, and in order to broaden the experiences afforded to our children, our EYFS curriculum is enhanced each half term with a thematic focus. These themed activities are integrated into our daily classroom practice, with the aim of inspiring our children and enriching their daily learning.

Our EYFS curriculum enables our children to continually demonstrate their ability to:

  •      Play and explore
  •      Learn actively 
  •      Create and think critically

Years 1 and 2 work from a rolling programme that has been built around National Curriculum and enhanced using themes to extend their learning across all subjects.

Castle Class quite often work together across the year groups to support each other in both learning and in social skills.

St Mawes Primary School
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